
Showing posts from 2016


By April White Funny thing, words. There are so many. Different meanings, origins, context, and relevancy. According to the Global Language Monitor as of January 2016 there were 1,035,877.3 words in the English language alone. However, there is a new word created every 98 minutes or about 14.7 words per day. So yeah…A LOT of words! How many words on average do you think you speak in a day? I am guessing for me that would be as hard as counting my freckles. I think I may invent a word counter, you know like a pedometer for my big fat mouth. I shall call it “mouthometer” I am words girl. Love language: Words of affirmation. I LOVE words. (Well most) Prayer sign next to my bed: “Dear Lord, Please place your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.” I have so many of them flying through my brain on any given day. It would be an air traffic controller’s nightmare to take a looksy. I express myself with words; I sing them, I write them, I ...

My Depression and Joy

A number of years ago I came to terms with the fact that I had depression.  My wife had advised me to see a Christian counselor for some different issues, depression being one of them (side note, I am more and more convinced that everyone needs counseling; whether that is professional, pastoral, or from a friend).   I remember when I first went and talked to my doctor about depression, he recommended that I take medication.  I felt relieved but also unsure.  Questions raced through my head like: should a Christian have depression?  should a pastor have depression?  if I'm free from sin as a believer in Jesus Christ, why do I need medicine to treat this?  To be honest I don't know If I have all the answers to those questions yet.  Depression is a hard thing to describe.  It's in your head.  It's dark.  Lonely.  I often describe it to Adrianne as being stuck inside my head.  I'm naturally introverted and a thinker so...

How to Change: Renew Your Mind

By Luis Ubinas Renewing ones mind is done through a daily relationship with God. God desires that relationship with us. He wants to grow close to us and wants us to share that love and relationship with others. Now, I love my wife and kids. I enjoy every moment with them. I love growing with my wife, the joking around and the authenticity of our relationship. My daughters complete me. I can never stay mad at them for more than a few minutes. Once I look into their eyes I tend to remember the grace the Lord has on me. Why not express that to my children? But there are moments that I want to walk for a little while and get lost somewhere. Just come back when everyone is asleep. The truth is sometimes I come home from work and it is crazy. My daughter wants all the attention and my wife needs my assistance with house chores. I just want time to myself. However, I deep down think to myself, "Why am I being selfish with my time when I get home from work and even become irri...

Living and Dead Mentors

"Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1 I have been blessed to have many amazing mentors in my life.  From high school, to college, to seminary, to ministry.  Names like Tim Kurth, Bill McClure, Mark Hallock, George Dockery, Marc Galaske, Steve Johnson, Mike Warner, and Andy Veith.  These men have pushed me, challenged me, encouraged me, loved me, prayed for me, and simply been an example to me. Some of theses people I have personally sought out, others were naturally in my life, like my dad.  In Seminary I was given two mentors: a ministry mentor and character mentor.  In fact, my Seminary tried to specialize in mentor-ships instead of internships.  To be honest, I think mentoring and discipling are lost arts in some ways.  Why has the church and so many pastors given up on one to one discipleship and mentoring?  It's easier to just be ok with mass discipleship and programs.  But we need to do one on one disci...

Michael Phelps, Jesus, and a Watch

Let me say first off, that I like the Olympics, I cheered for Michael Phelps, and I own a watch.  That being said, there was a commercial that aired recently that ticked me off and showed our culture's misunderstanding of Jesus. Omega watches did a commercial, you can watch it for reference below, with a number of athletes training and competing, interspersed with pictures of Rio and watches.  At about 8 seconds into the commercial Michael Phelps stands up with his hands outstretched with a picture of the Christ the Redeemer Statue behind him.  Making a visual reference to Michael Phelps being like Jesus as the song in the background sings "you can be the hero, you can get the gold." Here are my two issues: comparison and misunderstanding.  First, let's compare Michael Phelps and Jesus a little bit.  Michael Phelps can swim really fast; Jesus can walk on water.  Michael Phelps has won 28 Olympic medals; Jesus can control a storm, heal people of disea...

Humble Boldness.

For much of my life I have desired to describe myself with two phrases: humble boldness and confident humility.  I can not say that my life is described by either one of these phrases, but I desire them.  I so desire to balance humility and boldness in my walk with Christ. To be honest, humility comes much more naturally to me.  Although, I admit, that sounds pretty arrogant.  By nature I am an introvert.  I like to be alone, to have space, to have quite, to read.  I don't always like to be the center of attention.  Maybe meekness or even self deprecation describe me better than humility.  But I want less of me and more of Christ.  I am a sinner. I sin daily in thought, word, and deed.  Lord, humble me! My favorite passage for many years has been 1 Peter 5:6-11 6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 8 Be alert and ...


This blog is meant as an encouragement, challenge, and help. As a man committed to following Christ I want to encourage the flock. At this stage in my life, this blog is meant to be an encouragement to Lighthouse Community Church. To encourage my friends, coworkers, and church to grow more and into the knowledge of Christ.   As a pastor, I want this blog to be challenging.  I want to bring theological issues to light.  To share quotes I'm reading that challenged my faith.  To challenge the average church goer to read.  To read dense theological books.  Old books.  To know the giants of the Christian faith.  I want to challenge people to pray.  To pray daily.  Hourly.  Often.  To read Scripture.  Honestly, I want people love the Word of God.  To wake up in the morning, ready, yearning, to read Scripture and pray.   As a friend, I want to help.  My goal with this blog is to provide good res...
"We must be holy, because our present comfort  depends much upon it.  We are sadly apt to forget that there is a close connection between... sin and sorrow, holiness and happiness, sanctification and consolation.  God has so wisely ordered it, that our well-being and our well-doing are linked together.  He has mercifully provided that even in this world, it shall be in man's best interest to be holy." Holiness J. C. Ryle
"Self-indulgence has slain its thousands;  let us tremble lest we perish by the hands of that Delilah.  Let us have every passion and habit under due restraint: if we are not masters of ourselves we are not fit to be leaders in the church." Lectures to My Students -Charles Haddon Spurgeon