Funny thing, words. There are so many. Different meanings, origins, context, and relevancy.
According to the Global Language Monitor as of January 2016 there were 1,035,877.3 words in the English language alone. However, there is a new word created every 98 minutes or about 14.7 words per day. So yeah…A LOT of words! How many words on average do you think you speak in a day? I am guessing for me that would be as hard as counting my freckles. I think I may invent a word counter, you know like a pedometer for my big fat mouth.
I shall call it “mouthometer”
I am words girl.
Love language: Words of affirmation.
I LOVE words. (Well most)
Prayer sign next to my bed:
“Dear Lord,
Please place your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.”
I have so many of them flying through my brain on any given day.
It would be an air traffic controller’s nightmare to take a looksy.
I express myself with words; I sing them, I write them, I say them.
I also receive words. I retain them. I process them. I am hurt by them or the lack thereof.
I love encouraging others with words.
I struggle, though, with thinking they all have to leave my mouth.
They do NOT.
(Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. Proverbs 21:23)
It fascinates, and terrifies me the power words have.
Words have the power to wound, discourage, or tear someone down.
Words have the power to heal, encourage, or lift someone up.
(Proverbs 18:21a. Death and life are in the power of the tongue)
With all that being said (lol) I have recognized a few messages, that seem to repeat continuously, from God Himself on my walk with Christ; quite frankly too many to mention.
I am definitely a work in progress people.
There are so many examples of God encouraging me to sit in His presence. That He may prepare me and equip me for the opportunities He has for me to share His love.
Then often times He presents opportunities to let my words be few. However, those moments can be as frustrating as ending up behind a tractor, waiting on a train…or getting pulled over every time I am in a hurry.
(I have a record to prove that last one)
So to paraphrase God often tells me to be still, slow down, or shut up.
(My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry James 1:19)
I am beyond thankful for God’s grace and mercy in my life.
I believe whole heartedly that God has a word to speak to each of us no matter who we are or what we are facing. His Word is our source of life as believers. It must speak louder to our hearts and to others than our own words do.
The God of the Universe speaks to us.
We have an amazing privilege to listen.
(“Whoever belongs to God hears what God says.” John 8:47a.)
Father God,
Thank you Lord Jesus that you have given us access, through your blood, to union with our Abba Father. Thank you for your Word that is sharper than any double edged sword, able to cut between bone and marrow. Thank you Holy Spirit for interpreting the Word and the source of life to our core. Thank you God for your Armor and the only defense weapon there is in this spiritual battle, the Sword of Truth. Help us God to access what you have given us and apply it our lives; that we may be used in all the ways you have called. May we listen to your word, engrave it on our hearts, and apply it to our lives. May we as followers of Jesus Christ let Your word speak loudest to and from us. Your words give life, hope, love, and promises that never fail. May we be still, may we listen, may we trust and rest in your Word.
In the name of Jesus,
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