Michael Phelps, Jesus, and a Watch
Let me say first off, that I like the Olympics, I cheered for Michael Phelps, and I own a watch. That being said, there was a commercial that aired recently that ticked me off and showed our culture's misunderstanding of Jesus.
Omega watches did a commercial, you can watch it for reference below, with a number of athletes training and competing, interspersed with pictures of Rio and watches. At about 8 seconds into the commercial Michael Phelps stands up with his hands outstretched with a picture of the Christ the Redeemer Statue behind him. Making a visual reference to Michael Phelps being like Jesus as the song in the background sings "you can be the hero, you can get the gold."
Here are my two issues: comparison and misunderstanding. First, let's compare Michael Phelps and Jesus a little bit. Michael Phelps can swim really fast; Jesus can walk on water. Michael Phelps has won 28 Olympic medals; Jesus can control a storm, heal people of diseases, and cast out demons. Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian at age 31; Jesus died on a cross at 33 and came back to life. Michael Phelps is a hero; Jesus is the only savior, the one who took away my sins and offered me forgiveness, and loves me eternally. So, when you put it that way, you're right Omega Watch company, they are pretty much the same.
The other issue, which I think is a larger symptom of our culture, is one of misunderstanding. The comments on the YouTube video are what get me:
phelps is a god he which is why 0:08 is the best
anyone think phelps is awesome at :08?
gave me chills to watch phelps at :08
It's a misunderstanding of Jesus' work and nature. Jesus wasn't just some guy who became a hero for how nice he was or how smart he was. Jesus is fully God and fully man. He died on the cross to atone for our sins, offering forgiveness to all. Nobody, not even Michael Phelps, can compare or match up to Jesus. If our culture really understood the importance of Jesus' work on the cross and the hypostatic union of his nature (fully God and fully man), they would never even try to compare to him a really really fast swimmer.
Lord God, reach into the hearts of those that are hard hearted, indifferent, set against you. Convict them of their sin and need for a savior. Help them to see that it isn't a hero they need, not an icon or man to follow. They need a savior.
Amen, Brother!