My Depression and Joy
A number of years ago I came to terms with the fact that I had depression. My wife had advised me to see a Christian counselor for some different issues, depression being one of them (side note, I am more and more convinced that everyone needs counseling; whether that is professional, pastoral, or from a friend). I remember when I first went and talked to my doctor about depression, he recommended that I take medication. I felt relieved but also unsure. Questions raced through my head like: should a Christian have depression? should a pastor have depression? if I'm free from sin as a believer in Jesus Christ, why do I need medicine to treat this? To be honest I don't know If I have all the answers to those questions yet. Depression is a hard thing to describe. It's in your head. It's dark. Lonely. I often describe it to Adrianne as being stuck inside my head. I'm naturally introverted and a thinker so...
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