The Land Between
I've been reading a really good book lately called "The Land Between." It tells the story of the Israelites in the desert as they are between Egypt and the promised land. Over and over again they long to be back in Egypt where they had food and were comfortable, even though they were slaves. They complain, gripe, and lash out to Moses and God. But, they are also on a path toward the promised land. A land flowing with milk and honey and God's blessings. They are in this strange in between place. I can relate so much to this analogy. I miss 2019 and life before Covid. I've complained a lot to God about how my church and job have changed overnight. I hate social distancing and not being able to see people's faces because of masks. Church is so different. And we're not out of the woods yet, we're not through this pandemic thing. We haven't reached the promised land of the "new normal." For the Israelites, God used...