The Importance of Having a Coach

  For most of my life I have longed for a mentor. In high school my youth pastor, Tim Kurth, and I met monthly for dinner. I would ask questions, he would answer. A little bit one sided but it was very helpful and formative for my calling to ministry. In college I had Bill McClure. He was the pastor of our small EFCA church. Such a great disciple making pastor. We met weekly at this smoky restaurant in downtime Valpo for breakfast. I remember studying Daniel together and sharing some hard moments together. In Seminary I had Mark Hallock. I still feel like a spiritual shrimp next to him. He is so impressive, encouraging, and just life giving. However, in Missouri I struggled to find a true mentor. I tried to reach out to some people but it was usually one sided and not exactly what was helpful for me.
  And then I was introduced to Tom. Tom Clegg. When I was first introduced to Tom, it wasn’t my idea nor was I particularly fond of it. We were in a difficult time period with our church. We had to remove a staff member for financial reasons, some people started to leave our church, and giving was going down. And my confidence was low. An individual in our church had met Tom from a mutual friend and told me about the idea of getting me a coach. I was open to the idea but a little cautious considering where our church was at.  But, I can say with full confidence, that a coach, Tom, has been one of the best things for me. In God’s timing he came at the absolute right time.
  We met for first time in October of 2019, spent two days together in January, and have met almost every Other week since then. Tom is an unbelievable wealth of knowledge and stories. He can brainstorm, has so much life experience, and so many friends (everywhere we meet he knows at the very least one person there!). He is at his core an encourager. I need that in my life.  He believes in me. And I count him as a friend.  He is my life coach.
  I honestly can’t imagine going through the whole Covid-19 experience with out having Tom as my coach. He has prepared me well for it. I feel good at this time.  Really good. I have a strong morning routine. I have joy. I have coffee. I have hobbies. I have confidence.  He has given me so much direction for how to do life and ministry in this time.  “For such a time as this.” If you ever read this, thank you Tom.  You have done so much for me.
  What about you? Do you have a coach? A mentor? A brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a kick in the pants every once in a while?  They are rare to find, but I believe everyone needs to have a coach/mentor/discipler in their life.


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